GIRLS WEAR SHIRTS .... IS BACK ... with a workshop as well.
Asheville NC - September 24, 25, 26 Tulsa OK. - Oct. 1, 2.

Girls Wear Shirts was premiered in Asheville in the fall of 2002 to 8 sold out performances. Mothers returned with daughters, daughters returned with grandmothers . 2003 took the show to Piccolo Spoleto where it received standing ovations and wonderful reviews. This year SILENT PARTNERS is producing the show again at the Be Be Theater then heading on to Tulsa Oklahoma for New Genre XII Tulsa's art festival. The show has developed a bit since it's inception and this year an workshop for mothers and daughters is offered.


SILENT PARTNERS movement theatre Presents
Girls Wear Shirts
Written and performed by
Hilarie Burke and Calliope Porter
Video by Adam Larsen
Photographs by Benjamin Porter

A no-holds-barred coming of age encounter with female sexuality, written and performed by Hilarie Burke and Calliope Porter. Movement, text, song and audio/visual collages carry the audience through a girl's life into adulthood, touching on family dynamics, personal stories, biological realities, generational differences and hallmark facts that have molded our societies responses to sexuality and youth.

This performance is supported in part by the North Carolina Arts Council and the Asheville Area Arts Council.

"Equal parts sweet and raunchy, Girls Wear Shirts is a hit"
         Charleston City Paper - Piccolo Spoleto 2003
"Humorous... fast-paced.. imaginative ... extremely innovative"
        The Post and Courier - Piccolo Spoleto 2003
" ...brilliant, funny, thoughtful, reflective, touching ....... Wow"
        Asheville Citizen Times. 2002


Be Be Theater -
20 Commerce St. Downtown Asheville
5 shows
Friday & Saturday Sept. 24 & 25
7:30 & 10:00 pm
Sunday Sept. 26th
3:00 pm
w/ post performance discussion.
$15. Adults $12: Stu. & Sr's
Reservations suggested
828 -254-2621

Tulsa Oklahoma,
October 1 & 2
Living arts Of Tulsa
New Genre XII
Performance Festival
Friday, October 1, 8:pm
Saturday, October 2, 10:pm ,
Nightingale Theater. $10. ($6. students) 918-585-1234.

Girls Wear Shirts like Mom! A workshop
Open doors and free the spirit of a deeper mother daughter connection. Diffuse awkwardness and discover new avenues of communication about sexual awareness in the family context through movement and storytelling. In this hands on workshop Hilarie Burke and her daughter Calliope Porter will share their process of discovery, encouraging mothers and daughters to explore issues around sexuality in a safe and playful environment. Both Mothers and daughters are empowered as they explore the myths and truths about generational differences, family history, and each other while respecting boundaries and honoring the journey of life.

Asheville, North Carolina
Saturday Sept. 25 -
Eagles Home Studio
75 Broadway.- Upstairs
$40. pr couple. Daughters must be 12 or older.
Call to register 281-4808

Tulsa, Oklahoma
Time and place to be announced.
Contact Living Arts of Tulsa 918-585-1234.


SILENT PARTNERS movement theater
47 Laurel Loop
Asheville NC 28806
e-mail us   [email protected]

This Performance is supported by Grants from the Asheville Area Arts council, and the North Carolina Arts Council

Original works that combine storytelling, dance, mime, and physical comedy with inventive costuming, props, and sound to create intriguing, entertaining theater.

Established in 1986 by Artistic Director Hilarie Burke Porter, SILENT PARTNERS is included in the touring rosters of the North Carolina Arts Council and Alternate ROOTS and the Arts-in-Education rosters in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Kentucky. SILENT PARTNERS has performed and conducted residencies at schools, theaters, festivals, and institutions throughout the U.S. – including Piccolo/Spoleto, in Charleston, SC, and The Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC – South America, and Northern Ireland.

Asheville Area Arts Council
North Carolina Arts Council
Alternate ROOTS
Loyd Artists
The American Mime Theater

All works are the sole property of SILENT PARTNERS, Inc.

SILENT PARTNERS receives support from the North Carolina Arts Council, the Asheville Area Arts Council, Alternate ROOTS (an NEA-funded organization), and the Community Foundation of Western North Carolina.

This web site is made possible through grants from the North Carolina Arts Council.
Design by Helen Robinson & Alvy Alvarez